
Maybe too much technology?

Jack: Can I use your iPad? I want to play Angry Birds.

me: I left it at work.

Jack: What about your computer?

me: No, you played shooting games after I said you couldn’t. You’re banned.

Jack: Sighh…Can I bring my DS on the bus today then?

me: No, that’s not for school, that’s for home.

Jack: Sheesh, can I at least watch Sponge Bob on Netflix while you dry your hair?

me: (pausing…) Sure.

Jack: A “show” or an “episode”?

me: One show. 8 minutes. Then off.

Jack: (8 minutes later) It’s off! Can I see your phone now??

me: GEEZ Jack, can you please play with a toy or something. I don’t want you playing games on my phone!

Jack: Hello Mrs. Rude. I was gonna call DAD???

me: Oh.

9 thoughts on “Maybe too much technology?”

  1. For school, I have to choose a topic about one that is listed. One is technology. I think I am going to choose this one and work for my final essay. It seems that no one is doing anything that doesn’t have to do with a tv, phone, or other devices. Myself including.


    1. Replying to this from my iPad, while watching Sponge Bob on TV with Jack, and glancing at my personal cell phone and work Blackberry. I would love to read your final essay! But of course you’ll have to email it to my phone. 🙂


      1. I’ll make sure to do that…hehehe the final paper will be in 8 more weeks, so if you remember or if I remember, you can totally read it…but no promises that is is going to be good. :0)


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