
If ya got a cramp ya got a cramp

Jack: That’s all the counselors say! They don’t care if you die swimming with a cramp!

me: I’m sure they care if you have a cramp, Jack…

Jack: No. They don’t. Hurt your leg? Walk it off! That’s what they say. Bump your head? Walk it off! Someone trips and falls? Walk it off! It’s annoying!

me: Wait, are these all things that happen to you?

Jack: Uh, not really… Maybe sometimes…

me: How about you just try to be more careful and then you won’t have anything to walk off.

Jack: That just means I would have to sit there and not move.

2 thoughts on “If ya got a cramp ya got a cramp”

  1. Is Jack enjoying camp so far? We do not have camps here in my country (Philippines). Wow jack you have a fan from half way around the world 🙂


    1. Jack does love day camp. He said he never wants to go to sleep-away camp though. 🙂 I just showed him your comment and he said he didn’t realize he was becoming famous. Haha. Thanks for reading!


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