
When Daleks meet 9-year old boys

Ever see Galaxy Quest? We’ve seen it a dozen times. A movie about a Star Trek-type TV show with Sigourney Weaver telling the computer what to do… Tim Allen is in charge of the crew, and a bunch of aliens think the TV show is real and broadcasting historical documents. So damn funny.

Anyway, Jack is a computer tonight. A very powerful one.

Jack: (robot voice) I am the world’s most powerful computer. Ask me any question.

me: What time is it?

Jack: It is approximately … 10:40.

me: No…

Jack: 9:30?

me: Powerful computer huh?

Jack: I am the world’s most powerful computer. Ask me any question.

me: What is 8 x 14?

Jack: 124.

me: You sure?

Jack 122.

me: 8 x 14? Try 112?


(Then he starts using the Dr. Who dalek voice)


me: Does math always have to end this way??

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